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皮马社区学院欢迎, celebrates, 并促进学生的多样性和贡献, faculty, staff and administrators and strives to be a leader in promoting opportunity through social justice commitments and actions.

我们珍惜我们社会的多样性, 除了人人享有平等的机会和受教育的机会, 我们尊重并包容所有的信仰, values, abilities, 个人经历和偏好, 文化和社会经济背景, and worldviews. 我们相信,我们的差异是我们的力量和创新的源泉, excellence, and competitiveness.

We understand that the “community” in the community college of the 21st Century extends beyond local political boundaries, 因此,我们渴望建立一个负责任的全球公民社区.
We believe that the ultimate objective of diversity is the achievement of equality and social justice. Furthermore, social justice has no borders and is an essential right of the human race.

Therefore we represent, recruit, retain, develop, and support the potential of students and employees from historically marginalized groups in the US and from any origin in the world regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability, political views, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, 社会地位等特征.


皮马社区学院每天都在努力为每一个目标赋予每一个学习者权力. Embedded within that mission statement is a commitment to equity, equitable practice, and access.

公平与平等不同. Equality is understood as the proportional distribution or parity of desirable outcomes across groups; while, 公平是指结果和过程的公平和公正. 而平等意味着向所有人提供同样的东西, equity means recognizing that we do not all start from the same place and must acknowledge and make adjustments to imbalances. The process is ongoing, requiring us to identify and overcome intentional and unintentional barriers arising from bias or systemic structures.

获得教育是通过将资源投入服务来实现的, programs, 以及为所有学生提供机会的行为. Allocation to groups is not taking away or creating special status to some areas but is driven by equitable practice to ensure that what is needed to remove the barriers to access is achieved. 学院致力于监测, using data, and ensuring that resource allocation is adjusted to meet the ongoing access changes in the community using the principles of equity.

Pima Community College is committed through its inclusive transformation to emphasize equity in all aspects of its work with students, employees, and the community. The AACU, 美国高等院校协会, (2015) highlights specific actions to work toward equity-minded outcomes for students.

See: (pages 25-26). 学院的努力与AACU推荐的所有10项战略保持一致.


就像它的历史一样, Pima Community College strives to create a climate and culture in which positive attitudes toward diverse, intersectional, and interconnected groups are the norm and where increased involvement and academic growth is fostered. PCC values the enrichment that the unique perspectives and experiences individuals bring to the College and seeks to create an environment where these unique perspectives can coexist and flourish. The differences between people that can engender these unique perspectives can include, but are not limited to, age, disability, ethnicity, gender, nationality, race, color, indigeneity, socioeconomic status, language, educational history, educational goals, geography, and LGBTQ status. The College is mindful that inclusion is a journey, and that we may incur institutional resistance . However, we remain resolute to reach our overarching goal: ensuring the dignity and authenticity of the individual, 以及个体间的和谐.

Inclusion and belonging are comprehensive efforts to link diversity, equity, and quality. 它们是关于转变多样性的, equity, and inclusion from isolated initiatives to catalysts for educational and societal excellence. Pima Community College is committed to modeling an inclusive experience for all members of the college and larger community as well as creating a sense of belonging and connection through:

  • 注重学生的智力和社会发展.
  • A purposeful development and utilization of organizational resources to enhance student learning.
  • Attention to the cultural differences learners bring to the educational experience and that enhance the enterprise.
  • A welcoming community that engages all of its diversity in the service of student and organizational learning.
  • 塑造和期待文明, respect, 以及所有员工的专业行为, students, 及学院代表.



我们是一个活跃的成员 西班牙裔学院和大学协会 (HACU), an association of more than 400 colleges and universities committed to Hispanic higher education success.

Pronouns and Identifiers

Pronouns are important because they allow us to communicate professionally and accurately, 它们使我们能够识别文化和个人标识符, and are an important part of gender identity and how we show respect for those identities. 人们可能会参考传统的美式英语方法来使用代词, but not all of our students, staff, 社区成员也不完全认同这种方法. 以促进对个人和文化认同的尊重, 对我们来说,正确使用个人对应的代词是很重要的. We cannot rely solely on names, how we may perceive their gender, nor the assumptions of others. 唯一知道的方法是问别人,对我们来说,告诉别人我们的代词.

As noted on Pronouns.Org, 传统美式英语中的男性代词是he/him/his, 传统美式英语中的女性代词是she/her/hers. Traditional American English also uses But there are other options for pronouns that people may prefer when the traditional pronouns don’t feel right. 这些被称为中性代词或性别包容性代词. Gender inclusive pronouns can seem awkward or unfamiliar and it can be challenging at times to recall a preferred pronoun. That is why it is important to include pronoun identifiers in various types of communication. 越用越舒服.

Pronoun usage matters, 它证实了你对个人的尊重, their culture, and their identity. It promotes inclusion, supports a sense of belonging, 为学生和员工创造更公平的工作和学习空间.


  • Share your pronouns. 它打破了障碍,承认你尊重他人的代词. 在你的电子邮件签名中添加自己的代词, your Zoom nametag, introductions, 并将它们包含在你的教学大纲/网页中.
  • 问问别人的代词或者他们希望别人怎么称呼他们. 有些人甚至更喜欢医生、教授或类似的标识符. 问是打开理解之门的第一把钥匙.
  • 在写作中避免使用二元代词,尝试使用非二元术语. For example, use terms like “class”, “students”, 或者“每个人”会比“女士们先生们”更具包容性, “guys”, etc.













honored guests







Resources on Pronouns:


Pima Community College seeks to provide an inclusive learning and working environment to benefit all in our community. 我们鼓励员工和学生的神经多样性, 认识到每个人给学校带来的独特价值. Being exposed to diverse ways of thinking or processing the world beyond personal lived experience helps every person grow and understand our community in a more real and impactful way.

皮马社区学院努力有意识地创造一个欢迎, accessible, 为员工和学生提供包容的学习空间. Each person has a right to feel comfortable and encouraged to be themselves without fear of judgment where they can flourish by feeling and experiencing value in their unique contribution to our community.

皮马社区学院是一个机会均等的学校, affirmative action employer and educational institution committed to excellence through diversity. Upon request, reasonable accommodations will be made for individuals with disabilities. 我们将尽一切努力及时提供合理的住宿. 社区成员和员工,请拨打520.206.4539 or email PCC学生应致电520与ADR联系.206.6688 or email


节日和宗教仪式日历 (Downloadable PDF)
LGBTQIA+ Resources (TBD)
Resources and Contacts

皮马社区学院是一个机会均等的学校, affirmative action employer and educational institution committed to excellence through diversity. Upon request, reasonable accommodations will be made for individuals with disabilities. 我们将尽一切努力及时提供合理的住宿. 社区成员和员工,请拨打520.206.4539 or email PCC学生应致电520与ADR联系.206.6688 or email

Diversity & Inclusion Award

PCC多元化和包容性奖授予个人, departments, community members or organizations for their efforts to enhance diversity and inclusion. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, April 24, 2024.

2024 DEI Award Nomination

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